Lovely aren't they?
Dahlia let me wake her up early Saturday morning so we could go to the farmers market.
Here we are, stunning the crowds with our beauty.
During...... who needs this much stuff in their pantry?
I am reformed! I will never buy too much food again. My pantry will always look this neat and sweet.
I had no less then 10 bags of angel hair pasta. Good lord! Mark says I am just like his mother. I equate my desire to over purchase food with my dad's ability to eat 1 thing for months at a time. I need constant variety and I want all ingredients to anything I may want to make on hand. It's a problem, but I am cured.
Otis' has just found knock knock jokes. His current favorite is, "Knock, knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Banana eat up the whole world." Yep that's it. He thinks it is hilarious and he will laugh every time. Imagine this very funny joke being told over and over again. It only gets funnier. Believe me.
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