Cash says, "Hi". He's really into his new blog celebrity status.

Fall is fast approaching us here in Portland. The leaves are begining to change and it is getting cold in the mornings and at night. It's my favorite season and we will have a lot going on in the coming months.
Otis started preschool this week at the nature park. He has made some friends and will tell you all about them if you talk to him. I will post pictures soon.

Mark took Cassius and Otis outside for a little evening basketball game in our cul de sac. Like I said, it's getting chilly so, I got to dress Cash in some knit wear. Yaayyy, knit wear!
Yes I did make that adorable hat.

As you can see, we have a smiley baby on our hands. He is really getting into smiling at us, or the lamp, and making baby noises. It is so cute. Every morning after I get out of bed, Dahlia and Otis climb in next to Cash and have a love fest of smiles and noises while I get my coffee. I have got to video tape this stuff. It is out of control cute.
I hope everyone is great and enjoying the cooler weather!